Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) ジャイアント・パンガード
Card Type Spirit
Color White White core
Cost 5
Reductions White coreWhite coreWhite coreWhite core
Symbols White core
Families Machine Beast
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 10000 BP
Level 2: 3 cores, 15000 BP

BS36 (Block icon 3 - Common)

  • Illust: Kousaka Takumi
  • EN Flavor:
    Warm applause and shouts from the audience go out to all the racers who made the goal line! It was a wonderful race. I, Harold, would again like to salute the racers who protected Monaca and finished the race! Congratulations on staying till the end!
  • JP Flavor:
    ゴールした選手すべてに客席から暖かい拍手とエールが送られています!素晴らしいレールでした。私、ハロルドからも改めて祝いの言葉を、モナカを守りレースを走りぬいた選手達! 完走おめでとう!