Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) ジャイアントヒーロー メタルナックル
Card Type Spirit
Color Blue Blue core
Cost 5
Reductions Blue coreBlue coreBlue coreBlue coreBlue core
Symbols Blue core
Families Fighting Spirit
Keywords Accel
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 10000 BP
Level 2: 3 cores, 15000 BP
Card Effects
Main - Accel: Cost 4 (Blue coreBlue core) (This effect can be used from the Hand)
During this turn, when the attack of your "Fighting Spirit" family Spirit reduces the opposing Life, discard ten cards from the opposing decktop. After this effect resolves, put this card face-up onto the Removed Zone.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)

BS43 (Block icon 4 - Common)

  • Illust: Ishibashi Yosuke
  • EN Flavor:
    With Lolo Adventing onto Alex, all the Dark Pyroxene were eliminated, and at the same time the Vanity Deity Emperor was penetrated by Siegfried's flame.
    -from the final section of "New Record of the Strange World" chapter Pyroxene Four-
  • JP Flavor:
    ―『新異界見聞録』最終部 輝石の4章より―