Battle Spirits Wiki
The PantherMan Alibaba


The Pantherman Alibaba
Name The PantherMan Alibaba
Kanji/Kana 豹人アリババ
Released in (Japanese) BS17
Color Blue Blue core
Cost 5
Reduction Blue coreBlue coreBlue core
Symbols Blue core
Family Great General, Beast Head
Level 1: 1 core, 4000 BP
Level 2: 2 core, 6000 BP
Level 3: 4 core, 7000 BP
[LV2][LV3] (When Attacks) When this Spirit's attack would reduce the opposing life, instead of doing so, you can send cores from the opposing life to the Reserve as per the different cases below:

-If the opponent has 7 lives or more, send cores until there are 4 remain.

-If the opponent has 5/6 lives, send cores until there are 3 remain.

-If the opponent has 3/4 lives, send cores until there are 2 remain.
Flavor Text
"Destroy the evil who misled the emperor" - thus Zeyon rather than Kei would be destroyed. The one at fault was not Kei, but Zeyon who tempted her.
—Authentic History: Chronicles of Manaka, Year 647—

悪いのはケイではなく、それをそそのかしているゼヨンである。 ―正史 マナカ伝 647年の章―

Rarity Uncommon
Illustration Eisyun Fujii
Rulings/Restrictions None